Monday, October 26, 2009

Do you ever have one of those days where nothing goes right? I mean, from the time you roll out of the bed until the day is done, NOTHING goes right? I had one last week. It was one of those days that you wake up and think your clock says one thing, but it really says get a late start and it rolls from there, you know?

Then the kiddo is hard to wakey wakey, nothing can go right at work, I mean, technology work on a NOTHING GOES RIGHT day? Come on! It's like this gravitational pull is forcing the computer, copier, phone, fax and paper folder to work poorly. Not to mention already being behind on work due to the sick kid at home all week.

So at this point, my jolly, positive, oh, just one of THOSE kind of days attitude is beginning to dissolve. Then the phone calls start coming in. Plans need to change? Okay, let me work around YOUR schedule. Not coming til tomorrow, okay, no worries, I'll accomodate YOU! You can't get me the info I needed yesterday until tomorrow, no problem, I'll adjust my needs, my family's needs, etc, so you aren't put out. Yes, I am the all around, let me help you person. Normally, this does not bother me. It's part of my Christian walk, part of my worship. But that one just really started getting to me. Everything started snowballing and the tears were not far away.

But just like normal...God sent the right person at the right time. The phone rings and one of my favorite Christian mentors is on the other end. So do I pump her up like she always does me or do I begin my rant. I begin my rant. Sorry, I know we were all hoping for the positive. After a few minutes of tearful woe is me crap, she says one simple sentence, "Honey, don't let Satan steal your joy, don't let him win this one." And just like that, it was over. Did the let downs and problems keep happening. Yep, but I knew where it was coming from and I knew, I felt in my heart my Holy Spirit telling me, it's okay, I've got your back. See, I worship Someone far greater than anything Satan can throw at me. I serve a Savior that created the world and all that is in it, I serve a Savior that rose from the dead for crying out loud. Satan can't even begin to compete.

So did my day get better. Yeah, actually, it did. After a long, hard, trying week, a day like that wasn't what I needed. But God knew what I needed. A reminder that He is bigger than all things and when I stay focused on Him, it'll all fall into place!

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