Saturday, October 24, 2009

Okay, okay, I've been very slack on my blogging. I could chalk it up to the kiddo having swine flu for the last week, but technically I actually have had a little more time on my hands this week. We've had a lot going on in our lives and I don't even know where to start. We definitely have decisions we have to make in the not too distant future and sometimes I get consumed with that idea and can't focus on anything else, know what I mean?

First of all...I have convinced myself that I have Fibromyalgia. Anyone out there feeling me? I have so many of the classic symptoms, that cannot be explained any other way. So a lot of the time, I am just flat out achy and tired. Do I go see a doc about it?? Of course not! I am a woman, I can fix all things, my cape is flowing in the wind...but I will soon (see the doctor I mean, not exert my woman powers). So that is issue #1!

Secondly...God is dealing with me and my family, in more ways than one. He is taking us places in our walks that we never saw coming and attempting to understand and discern His will is taking more of our efforts than we would have ever thought possible. Trying to stay in continual prayer and constant worship to know Him and His will more has not only brought us closer to one another and closer to Him, but it's helped us understand what making our life our worship really means. It's awesome in many ways, but it's also hard, because we are coming to difficult conclusions...more info coming at a later date. Nothing drastic, life altering or devastating, just difficult for us. We are so super excited at the possibilities that God has laid before us, and we cannot wait to see where He takes us next! Having complete faith in Him and knowing that He is 100% in control is all we need.

Thirdly...can I just say, Satan has picked on me all week?!? I can deal with swine flu...I hate seeing my baby sick, but as a nurse, it's no real stress on me. Nothing I had planned went my way this week. Nothing horrible happened, but when the chips are down, it's hard when the unforseen happens, the best kept plans go awry, and birthdays get messed up. When it seems like nothing is going right, no one is on my side and I am ready to throw my hands up in the air and wave my little white flag...God always reminds me that it's not from Him, it's from the one against me. From the one that opposes me and wants to see me's from the one that works overtime to make sure he can kink up my life as much as possible. Then I can take hope. I know that when Satan opposes, I have One on my side that works that much harder to make it all right again. I know that when Satan attacks, and I stay faithful to my God, He desires to bless me that much more. When bad things come my way, it's almost like I can get excited knowing that something great is right around the corner. Not that I desire bad things, or wish for them, but I know God wants nothing more than to see me faithful and to bless me for it when those bad times hit.

Life gets complicated and messy. But my one true constant is my glorious, perfect, beautiful Maker. He is all I need, all I desire, He is everything. Regardless of physical afflictions, regardless of nasty unforseen illnesses, regardless of the attacks the evil one sends my way, God is unmoving, unwavering and never ending. He is my all in all!

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