Sunday, October 11, 2009

Yes, I Said That About Joel Osteen...

I was very politely reminded Friday night (by my beautiful sister-in-law) that I had not blogged all week. Sigh. I've been talking to God a lot this week, but He's been pretty quiet, and I hate to blog if it's not from Him....sooooo....Anywho, God and I have been talking a lot today, so here I am. I hate serious issues, cause I am not a serious person. It just seems like the serious stuff is what is dominating my mind these days. I am finding out more and more that Christ followers are not at all what they claim to be these days. Yep, there are quite a few out there that are true followers that know their theology, they know their own beliefs AND WHY THEY BELIEVE them...but more often than not, people just don't know. To look at them, even to have brief conversation with them, all appears well. But that's just scratching the surface. It's easy to watch the Joel Osteen's and other tv personalities and know that they just aren't hitting hard on the gospel...not hard at all (if you like Joel Osteen, well, sorry, he's flat out a spiritual pansy, not opinon, just based on hard Biblical fact, cause he don't know his - don't get me wrong, I will never judge another man's heart, but I know what I've seen/heard). But to be with people week in and week out and see the facade they so beautifully display to only then start up a real spiritually meaty conversation and find out that they don't have the first clue, well, it's hard. It's a hard a pill to swallow. Come to find out, that's becoming a scary norm. I've figured it out. There are a lot of churches growing and growing and growing out there, because they don't teach the hard stuff. People pile in on Sundays, shoulder to shoulder, to have their ears tickled and teased with -not false teachings, because they often DO come from the Bible-but nothing that challenges them, nothing that makes them say, who, me? Do I do that? Do I need to change that? Am I really a Christ follower??? I mean really...a lot of churches aren't even preaching salvation. It's all about living the Christian life - well, can't live that Christian life without having a personal relationship with Christ.

I know I've blogged about this before, but it's on my heart and mind. Are we losing our edge for winning souls? Are we losing our passion, or did we ever have it? I had a friend tell me that he had never really had that urgency for winning does that happen? I'm all about growing in Christ, but without the foundation, no building can be done. We don't want to hurt people's feelings...I'm over it. I can't tell people they are going to Hell without offending at least one of them! I love my God and I love my relationship with Him. He's taken me to a level of living it all entirely for Him. Not for my comfort...not for other's comfort...for Him. Loving Him by loving others...and that means winning their souls for Him. I know we have to love people to get into their hearts and introduce Christ...and that's my goal :)

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