Thursday, October 1, 2009

Zumba my what?

So...I've had a new experience this week. Well, I've "kinda" tried it before, but this is all new to me for the most part. Five letter word...starts with Z...ends with "you want me to shake my WHAT?" That's right my friends...Zumba!!

A few weeks ago, as most of you know, I started taking a Boot Camp style exercise class at my hubby's work. A certified instructor teaches it, it was reasonably priced, so I thought, can't hurt, right?? Can't hurt?? I couldn't walk after the first day, well, not upright anyway. But, of course, after a few days, the pain was minimal and the gain was fantastic. Some of my (SOME, not all, SOME) of my flab was getting tighter, I felt better and inches were melting, MELTING I SAY, off. What a great deal! Go be tortured for one hour, twice a week, and see amazing results! So this week (week 5 i think??) we started trying some Zumba. Trying is the operative word. Like any good Bible study or great exercise class, our numbers have dwindled from 8 or 9 per class to, oh, 3 or 4 per class. Good I say. No one to watch me shake my bootie. I was really excited to try Zumba, especially with such a small number. So let the music begin...wait. First, I have to issue one of my famous disclaimers. I am the whitest (I do not mean that to be racist, I mean that to say most Black folks and Latinos have excellent rhythm and dancing abilities), most rhythmless (is that a word??), uncoordinated chick you have ever met...seriously. So back to the music. I am so focused on getting the moves right that I can only remember one or two of the songs...but I do remember the Black Eyed Peas song, I've Got a Feeling...know which one I'm talking about?? Anway...the music begins...we start with a small movement, called the grapevine. The next thing I know we are speeding up and out of control. She wants me to shake my what? To pump what? There are parts of my body jiggling, jangling, and complaining that I didn't know existed. I love it. So we move on. We discussed the fact that at the Y they have mirrors, which help you to know when your movements don't match the instructor and it's easier to correct...yeah, okay, whatever. If I saw all of my stuff moving the way that I can only imagine that it moves...well, I'd probably laugh or cry through the whole class. So after what seems like 50 songs (probably more like 5 or 6), we slow down to our cool off phase...and on to working our abs. Working your abs is boring until you work them with Lady GaGa...

So I find out that Zumba is fun...hard, but fun. I think I've sweated off 4 lbs collectively in the last two days. But I love the great effects of the exercise class 1) Pounds off; 2) Inches off; 3) Now I can keep up with the rest of the Class of 89' this weekend at Paul's 2oth reunion...ha! It makes me think of how God works us sometimes. When lumps and bumps in life come our way...maybe when we are out of His will, or maybe He just wants to show us something important. Sometimes it hurts at first, burns, even makes you breathless...but then, after a day, a few days or even a month or more of being dedicated and obedient, the lasting, wonderful effects become obvious...and it becomes apparent what God was trying to show us during that hard time. It's a time of growth and gain..for the good :)

1 comment:

  1. I so want to attempt Zumba. Maybe after your boot camp is over we can find somewhere to take it together.
