Friday, February 5, 2010

Contentment is for the Weary

I have to say...I am content. It's the end of a long, snowed in week, Gracie was only in school for a very brief 4 1/2 hours yesterday...and I'm content. I'm blessed with a job that I can work from home on days like I'm content. I've gotten my house cleaned up today (with some much needed and appreciated help from Gracie!) I'm content. My laundry is caught up, my hard working husband is happily doing his thing today at ECR, my house is warm, we are all healthy and I'm seeking God's will daily in my life...I'm more than content.

I posted a few weeks ago on Facebook that I am going to choose to wake up each morning with an attitude that will help me conquer my day with happiness and joy. I will find joy in everything I do...I will praise God and give Him the glory in everything I do. Trust me, this does not come without much needed conversation with God and it certainly could not happen without the Holy Spirit that lives within me. I choose to look at life with a "glass half full" view - obviously not always an easy task, and sometimes I do fail! Every day I get on Facebook and I read people's posts about how rough their lives are, about what a bad day it was, wondering when the snow is coming and then complaining that it's here. And I think, wow, life is tough on people. Some people have a difficult time finding joy in, well, anything. Some people that I know live with daily, chronic pain and illness. Some folks I know are struggling financially to the point of fear and hopelessness. Some of my friends are dealing with difficult work situations or children that are straying from where God wants them. And my heart hurts for my friends. And I pray for their situations...for their hope...and for their contentment in life. And some of my friends complain, simply, because they have no contentment. They have no perspective. Have negative attitudes, simply, because they can.

Please don't misunderstand this post as a way to toot my own horn. Not so...I fall short every day. But I pray, also, to do better every day. So I choose to be joyful in the Lord. I am content. We are in a season of life that God has blessed tremendously and I know well enough to understand when God is pouring His love on me and I know well enough to call out to Him in praise and worship of the amazing God He is. My life isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination. I have struggles, I have personal self issues, I have health issues and I have daily problems in life that sometimes bring me down. I refuse to hold on to dwell on allow them to be at the forefront of my life. I choose to deal with them as they come...and move on. Do I always handle my problems and issues with grace and dignity...heck no. I'm human. But the God that rocks my world, rules my life and lives within my soul gives me the strength to tackle my issues...and in the end be content. I get weary from life...just life in general. Heck, turning on the boob tube makes me weary with all the junk going on in our country and in our world. But I have hope. I have such a great hope in God and His promises...that I am content. No, that's a gross untruth. I am far more than content. This world weary girl is happy, blissfully happy! Praise God above for His love, His mercy and His perfect will...that gives me hope and gets me through my day...more than content.

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