Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Slackerness is Slackerness

Okay, okay, slackerness has come into play again. No really, I've been so super busy (me? no!) but I'm back on it. So I've not failed too miserably in my own challenge...or at least from my perspective. I'm scared to ask God if I've failed, lol. You know even our best is rubbish to Him, we just can't get that good. But that's okay, He knows that. He loves to see us try...and try...and try...and He picks us up and helps us try again. Never failing, never ending mercy and love. What's not to dig about that?

I'm ready to get back to that place where I felt like I was sitting in God's lap, looking at Him face to face with total dependance on Him but total freedom from life. Do you ever feel that way? Like I said before, I've been there once, and I long for it again.

I see the ways that the cracks and holes in my life keep me separate from God. So why in the heck is it so hard to close in the holes and fill in the cracks? The world just keeps creeping in...anyone with me on that? It's in the music that fills my car when I'm alone if I stray from my Christian play's in the crap that's on TV (which I can happily say I am free from..I cannot stand the muck on TV, so I easily stay away from that)'s in everything that takes precedence over spending time with my God.

I think about my Granny...she'll soon be! She often laments of her lonliness...and I feel guilty for not being there for her. I wonder if God laments His lonliness from me as well? I feel the guilt in that one too...and He loves me far more than my Granny does (even if I AM her favorite...gee I hope my cousins are reading this right now, lol...all 20 something of them!).

God longs for our companionship...for a relationship....not just long distance calls now and then. Dwell on that...cause it's stepping on my toes right now. Let me know how it turns out for you and I'll do the same.

Until then...take the time today to read a portion of scripture...doesn't matter how short or how long...and find out something that God is wanting you to know, today :)

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