Monday, March 7, 2011

Made for Something More

Okay friends! I have found an AMAZING conference to attend this summer! It is a great opportunity for me to develop and grow in my call to women's ministry. I am blogging tonight to tell you all about my call to the ministry and WHY I would love to win a scholarship to the conference. So here goes....wish me luck (throw up a few prayers for me too please!)
Interested in going yourself? Here's a link to scholarship information as well as more info on the conference!

I have figured something out in recent years. Receiving and accepting your calling to the ministry is the easy part...the rest of it is the tough part! I knew more than 6 years ago that God was calling me to women's ministry...what aspect of it, I had no idea. I, in all my "spiritual maturity and wisdom" (cough, cough, roll the eyes) knew that if God called me to it, He would show me NOW what He wanted me to do. Okay. You can stop laughing now. Seriously. More than six years later...after leading a few conferences for the precious Jesus girls at my church, leading several Bible studies and even leading our WMU at church for a few years...I'm still floundering...a little. I know God has called me to women's ministry...but where? I'm still looking!

Over the years I have come to realize that God has given me both a gift for speaking and a gift for teaching His infallible Word. I am always shocked, amazed and humbled to my core when the Holy Spirit gives me the words...when He gives me the direction, wisdom and discernment that I need. If you knew my shy nature, you would totally understand how this is completely of God! I have no understanding of scripture on my own - it is a total reliance on God to comprehend His meaning. Little by little I have completely given this to God and time and time again He blesses me so (and before it sounds like I am a tad less than me, I know it for sure when I haven't totally given it to Him...when Leslie creeps into the teaching, it's all over, lol).

I have been familiar with Proverbs 31 Ministries for a number of years. I had the pleasure of hearing Shari Braendel (did I butcher the spelling?) at Joe Gibbs racing a few years ago and I remember sitting there thinking "THAT is what I want to do God! I want to stand up in front of a group of women with Your strength and love these ladies with your Truth and Your Word!" By the way, Shari spoke on "What Not to Wear for Christian Women" was FABULOUS! A few weeks ago I was praying about a new Bible study to do at church and I happened to hear Lysa on KLove one morning. When I heard about Made to Crave there was that instant jolt from the Holy Spirit that told me, this is the one. I immediately bought the book and participant guide and dove right in. My sweet Jesus girls at church have LOVED it and are doing really well with it. In looking up Lysa's daily blog, I found the link to She Speaks. Again, the Holy Spirit spoke to me instantly. In reading the descriptions of what is offered at She Speaks, I knew right then and there that this was for me.

I truly need a direction and focus in my ministry. I have to say this...knowing that you are called to ministry but not being able to effectively use the skills and gifts that God has given you FOR that one of the most frustrating things I've ever experienced. She Speaks is going to give me that extra boost that I need. I know that God has big plans and I am a part of them! I am excited to see how God is going to work. I am a tad scared at the same time, as I know I will have to give complete control to God (why is that SOOOO hard for women??). I know that God is in control of it all and I so strongly desire to glorify Him, win women to Jesus in the process and grow ladies in our precious Lord. She Speaks is just going to be the starting point! It will give me the tools and the confidence to step out in complete faith and give my all to my Savior and His beloved daughters!

To win the scholarship to this conference would mean more to me than I could express in words. I know God has called me to this conference, one way or another. Winning this scholarship would allow me to develop and grow my ministry for women in ways that I can only begin to imagine...I can't wait to see what God has in store!


  1. Hi Leslie nice to meet you, I found your blog via the linky for She Speaks. I also have hopes of attending. I am on a mission to meet as many Christian women with a heart for God that I can.
    Praying God will make a way for us all.
    I hope you will stop by and get to know me as well.

  2. God does have big plans for you!

    Blessings as you walk the path and take the next step!

  3. Thank you for the encouragement ladies! Deborah I will definitely check out your page :) Thanks for checking out my blog!! God bless you both :)
